Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Another wonderful Christmas has passed, we cooked our first Turkey dinner and didn't kill anyone, got to visit with friends and family and then the question always arises, what now? I guess play with your Christmas presents and wait around for New Years.

We spent Christmas dinner at my cousin Steve & Jills house and had the pleasure of seeing Sylvie again. Her curls just melt my heart! Sylvie took a bit of time warming up to us but once she did it was time to play with Steve. Just one more day til we ring out 2009 and ring in 2010. I can't believe it will be a new decade already, it feels like we were just celebrating the year 2000. Off to Fernie tomorrow!! Happy New Year's all

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Head on down to Bow Cycle at 6524 Bowness Road NW, Calgary. They have killer deals on accessories right now! You never know, you might feel like buying a motorized vehicle from my handsome husband as well ;)

Bow Cycle Customer Appreciation Night was a hit, my personal highlight of the night was "The Crusher", oops my bad "The Blendster" a customized sled that has two built in blenders to make margaritas in the outback!

The DJ was a fun addition to the party. If I had had my (fingers crossed) new flash I would have been able to capture him better

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Obviously I am on a big Christmas kick but when else can you enjoy being extra cheesy and torturing, uh I mean enjoying, dressing up small animals and children. I was over at Stephs yesterday and we had the best laugh at Smudge in his Santa costume. Smudge holds a place in my heart as we lived together for 6 months once upon a time.

He was slinking around like the Grinch for awhile before giving up and just sitting in a pile of defeat.

Smudge holds a place in my heart as we lived together for 6 months once upon a time. Only 5 days til Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009


underneath the Christmas tree, originally uploaded by kohsberg.

Wow only one week til Christmas! I can't believe it.. although I love the glow of my tree so much I am tempted to keep it up all year round

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Unhappy Elf, originally uploaded by kohsberg.

I know its cruel but I couldnt resist buying these tights when I saw them in Land & Sea a few weeks ago. I know Marc may consider tights on a boy a little feminine but look at how precious he is. I wasnt torturing Chase, even though this picture may say otherwise, I just thought this had the most personality. I can't believe it is Christmas in less than two weeks

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Our family tradition (if 3 years counts as a tradition) is to get a least one nice ornament a year for our tree. This year I lucked out and the line up at the craft fair was short at this booth so I finally got a customized ornament and I am quite excited about the cuteness.. and Christmas in general as we missed it all last year

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I have not had time to be inspired this past week with my camera but I do have a class field trip tomorrow night and a photo shoot on Saturday so I should have something fun here shortly. In the mean time I present you my favorite coffee mug