Thursday, November 11, 2010
We welcomed Roman Steven Pilkington to our family on September 29th. He was a little over 3 weeks early but I guess he was ready to meet the world. Our little bundle of joy, weighing in at just 6lbs at birth, is such a joy. Its been quite the adventure, taking the good with the bad. He is now more alert and giving actual smiles, which is just precious. I have been enjoying my new macro rings to capture all the little baby parts that just beg for kisses!!!

Posing your own child is harder than I thought, I figured I would be able to practice on Roman lots but between all the other things going on its been pretty busy, hence why I am only just posting pictures now! My curious little boy :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I had the pleasure of taking pictures of Denton when he was just a week old which also happened to be two days before I gave birth a bit earlier than expected! Needless to say it is taking me a bit longer to edit the pictures of this little cutie and his proud parents but I am very happy with the results. This little guy weighed in at 9lbs 11 ounces when he was born and he came with a ton of hair which his parents like to comb into an adorable hawk

Sharing snuggles and love with Mom & Dad...

I am in love with baby feet, there is just nothing cuter except maybe their little fingers or their soft hair or their little ears... newborns are just special :) Congrats Brittany & Garret

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Jenni, my best friend since primary came, to visit a few weeks ago and brought her adorable almost three year old Colten. We took a day and headed out to Banff to see the sights and take a few pictures.

This was my favorite shot of the day and I'm not ashamed to admit it was a total fluke shot but as we were looking through the pictures we both loved the feel of it!
Colten wasn't exactly on board for posing and smiling for the camera... why is it that kids know as soon as a camera comes out??? I think I fooled him this time though.. what a cool dude
Colten thought he would be the photographer and he actually took a few pretty decent pictures, competition!!!
Monday, September 06, 2010
Baby bumps galore in Calgary these days, everywhere you look someone is having a baby. Brittany and I met at yoga teacher training and at 37 weeks, when we took these shots, Brittany still looks as fantastic. Yoga does a body good!

After doing some indoor shots we went outdoors to get some air and enjoy the Calgary sunset. I love these resulting shots...
This shot makes me feel like we left the city and flew down to California!
Brittany is due to bring her bundle of joy into the world in less than 2 weeks now and I cant wait to meet him or her. Congrats Brittany and Garret!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Remember this belly? Well now its a distant memory for Michelle as she has given birth to a beautiful baby boy...

Daniel arrived a week early, much to his parents surprise. Weighing in at 6lbs 15 ounces he is just a bundle of cuteness. Newborns are just fascinating to watch and this little guy was awake and is definitely a squirmer...
He has the longest little fingers in comparison to the rest of his body... soo cute!
Daniel was not enjoying me using the flash, poor little grumpy man
This family is full of love and its just so exciting to see Michelle as a mom, shes a natural!
Congrats again Mike & Michelle, what a year this has been!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Lindz and I had big plans to do a first year photo shoot with Chase but we kept running out of time in between vacation and the lack of an apparent summer in Calgary. We finally got a lunch hour to do a few shots. Chase was feeling very serious that day but I think we still got some great shots. Enjoy!
No smiles here for Karissa while there are raisins to deal with...
This one just kills me!!
It was getting close to nap time and Chase was winding down

Mom, I'm tired, take me home please!
No smiles here for Karissa while there are raisins to deal with...
Mom, I'm tired, take me home please!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Well its been quite awhile since I posted. With summer trying to peak through in Calgary Ive been out playing, sans camera. But I'm back at it capturing the magic moments of pregnancy. Michelle and I had a total blast taking pictures tonight around town, wandering down random alleyways and wondering if the storm was going to hit or if we would get home dry. Luck was on our side and we missed the storm and found some amazing spots to shoot.
Enjoy a few teasers of the beautiful Mother-to-be, I cant believe she is due in a months time!
I am in love with this purple wall!!!
A fave shot of the night, you can tell how nasty the sky is in the distance but Michelle was a champ.
Lots of love for the belly and baby Daniel
Fierce alley shot, Michelle totally rocked it.. and look at those skinny little legs
Thanks again Michelle for such an awesome shoot! I had a blast and I cant wait to edit the rest
Enjoy a few teasers of the beautiful Mother-to-be, I cant believe she is due in a months time!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I finished editing the rest of the wonderful backyard wedding and here are the results. I loved that their cat 'Little Guy' was the ring bearer, he actually came in on a lease with the rings, it was priceless!

Waiting for his bride, you can just see the excitement, no nerves here.
Daddy giving his little girl away, always a bittersweet moment
Not a dry eye in the house, you can see the Mother-of-the-bride dabbing at away the happy tears
I just love the expression on the Justice of the Peace. It makes me excited to hear them say I do
This picture captures the emotion of the whole day, there was just so much love to be had!
You may kiss the bride! This sequence is my ultimate favorite
Newlyweds stolen away for a few pictures. Congrats to you Mike & Michelle, next up is the arrival of Daniel
Waiting for his bride, you can just see the excitement, no nerves here.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Well its been a full year (and a bit now as this is a bit of a late post) since Chase entered into the world. I cant believe how fast time flies. Now hes toddling around the house and trying to form words.
The serious boy on his birthday, not quite sure what to make of all this
The little man celebrated his birthday a week and a half ago with Crave cupcakes and from the looks of it he agrees that you just cant go wrong with Crave!
The serious boy on his birthday, not quite sure what to make of all this

Saturday, June 05, 2010
I had the pleasure of being the photographer at Mike & Michelle's intimate backyard wedding this afternoon. What a great way to do it, only immediate family members surrounded by blooming lilac bushes and apple blossoms! It was a very low key wonderful stress-free affair. Enjoy a few teasers from the day.
Getting ready to walk down the isle

The "I do's" were exchanged and tears were shed and the happy couple were pronounced husband and wife

Stay tuned for more images soon! Time to edit
Getting ready to walk down the isle

The "I do's" were exchanged and tears were shed and the happy couple were pronounced husband and wife

Stay tuned for more images soon! Time to edit
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