Sunday, May 30, 2010


A big congrats to Shyla and Eddie on the birth of their beautiful little boy, weighing in at a whopping 7 lbs 9 ounces. What a little sweetheart! I had the pleasure of meeting two brand new babies this weekend and I can say baby fever is in full swing now. There is just something fascinating about newborns, you can stare at them for hours and just be continuously amazed. It blows my mind how babies fit into bellies too, although you get an idea of sorts when you see how squishy they are with their limbs and how they love to curl up.

Look at that mouth! Such perfection

Baby Joel takes after his mom with the extra long fingers and toes, hes already for yoga!

I love the texture of newborn hair and the little swirls and designs it makes.. don't even get me started on that smell too!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


The second round of pictures is in! I love the way the Lensbaby captures the baby bump and becomes the sole focus of the photograph. I am also a huge personal fan of the belly button pop as well. Literally cute as a button!

All smiles for the camera!

This is one of my favorites. Its such a personal moment between Mom and baby.

How can you not smile if you look at this picture of Shyla? And did you notice the full Lotus posture?!?! What can't this woman do?

Virabhadrasana B (or Warrior II) in the park. Such a round perfect baby belly.

Two more weeks to go til we get to meet the little guy :)


I am amazed and inspired by Shyla and the yoga poses she can still do beautifully at 8+ months pregnant. Some may not call this a classic maternity shoot but for my first time I was quite happy to stray away from the classic and focus more on our mutual interests since we did meet in yoga teacher training. Something a little different for everyone to enjoy.

I love the look of anticipation, as if she is almost waiting at the window for the stork to come along with her beautiful bundle of joy!

Those little teeny shoes just make me heart melt (even if they are totally impractical)

Trying out a few different effects, I think this was a little too soft but look at that belly

Shyla just exudes calm and peacefulness, I think this picture really shows her true spirit

Love the balance in tree pose. Such tapas/determination!