One of the joys of being a stay-at-home Mom is afternoon photo shoots with other Mommy & Baby friends!! We got into the Christmas mood a bit early and decided to do a little shoot at the end of November after discovering and all its wonderful ideas. As usual we couldn't do all the ideas because babies have a mind of their own so it was all about improvisation but I love them all and I hope you do too.
I cannot believe Christmas is in 9 days... eek feels like I haven't had a real chance to slow down and enjoy it. Check my Facebook page for more pictures from our shoot in a few days. Merry Christmas to one and all!!!
I had the pleasure of meeting the "C" family last week for some holiday themed pictures. As soon as I walked in the door I felt comfortable with this adorable family and was excited to take pictures in front of their gorgeous fireplace and take to the outdoors for a few shots before we all froze to death with the crazy Alberta winds!
Getting kids to smile and look at the camera isn't always an easy task but with the bribe of Timbits after our shoot Ellasyn was quite cooperative ;) And before anyone asks no I didn't Photoshop Greg and Abrielle's eyes, they are just naturally that gorgeous shade of blue!
Greyden was such a little doll I couldn't resist posting a few more pictures of him in black & white too! Look at his lower lip, its so pouty and gorgeous.I've said it before and I'll say it again I love a sleeping baby!!!
Check out Hooked on Hats to see the full shoot with all the adorable custom crochet hats
hahah how ironic that I finally get some nice pictures in the leaves edited and ready to post and today is the first real snowfall!! Oh well I'm determined to not accept that winter is right around the corner and will still pretend I can wear flip flops :)
Tina, of Stride Photography, and myself decided to head out last week to take some pictures of the kids in the leaves before they all blew away. Roman loved crawling/walking through all the crunchy leaves and it looks like Abby had a good time too in her new owl hat. If you want to see more of the shoot check out my Facebook page Captured by Karissa, and if you haven't already go like it!!!
Happy Halloween! We went to a kids Halloween party on Friday and the costumes and the little kiddies were to die for. I loved the portrait set up too, not to mention my little homage to PEI aka Lester the Lobster
My adorable monster playing in the leaves
wee little Franken-Monster (sooo sweet)
and the creepy zombie conductor. Happy Trick-or-Treating!
I had the pleasure of meeting little Greyden this past weekend when he was only 9 days old and my oh my what an adorable teeny tiny little bundle he is. He was only 6lbs 1oz when he was born and its hard to believe that my little baby was that size just a year ago. There really is nothing quite like the smell and cuddles from a newborn! Apparently it was a bit chilly for Greyden so these were some of the only naked(ish) shots, he preferred to be swaddled snug as a bug instead!
Watch for another post featuring Greyden as my newborn model for Hooked on Hats, my custom crochet hat business! On a side note I have been busy buying templates and deciding on photo packages. Don't you just love my new blog boards?
Here I was thinking that all the leaves would be blown off the trees by now but when the Landry's went out to the dog park in Bowness on Saturday it was still gorgeous with the leaves, not to mention all the big beautiful Alberta blue sky. It was a bit chaotic trying to get a 2.5 year old and 2 small dogs to all stand in one spot long enough to take pictures but I love the very natural feel. Oh and in case you couldn't tell Chase has a major little boy obsession with superheros going on these days.
I had a blast doing pictures for Lindz, Marc, Chase, Cash and Willy and I have a sneaking suspicion they had a good time too!
The red cape flying in the breeze looked fantastic against the yellow leaves
I love love love the expression, it's so priceless and such a combo on Lindsay and Marc it just about kills me