Friday, November 27, 2009


This past weekend was my first solo babysitting since I was prob. in junior high so I was a bit nervous. Thoughts of 'will he like me and will he cry lots?' swirled around in my head but I put on a brave front and the evening went quite well. Chase and I agreed that if I carried him around for 4 solid hours he would behave wonderfully and let me take his picture. On the whole he is a pretty jolly baby

Monday, November 23, 2009


Trying a different style here with the picture off to the left, not sure what I think yet but as I have no money to actually pay someone to design a blog for me I will continue to fumble my way through and decide which free style I enjoy the most.

Tina, who you shall become quite familiar with as she is one of my constant modeling volunteers, and I took another walk at lunch to check out Stephen Ave and surrounding alleys for possibly shoot locations. In the process I took quite a few pictures of Tina taking pictures but you get the idea.

The accordion player was my favorite! I was trying to get a picture of him staying still and the crowds swirling around him. Unfortunately I did not have my tripod so I had to lean against the pole and hope for the best. The weather wasn't cooperating either and since there was a huge wind storm happening there were no crowds outside either so this is the shot I had to make do with. Apparently not only are 80's clothes back in style but so is the huge teased bleached blond hair.. I shudder

We were getting into the Christmas spirit, checking out all the fun decorations and greenery I just thought this was a neat shot, I have never heard of this place before but it looks downtown hipster!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


A few nights ago the latest and greatest Chinook rolled through town and the sky was turning an amazing shade of pink and blue with this nasty looking cloud so I ran out (with my new best friend Lensbaby Composer) my back door, hoping my neighbors wouldn't think I was stalking them.. again.. and took a few shots. Metering was tough but I think I captured(ish) the essence

Sigh, the beauty of Calgary in the fall

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A few teasers from last weeks class. Not necessarily a style I am a huge fan of but thats the class so this is what it is. I did manage to find a kind of funky shot by the gate, peaking through to a view of the city skyline. The other one I just thought was kind of neat, almost spooky if you consider this was shot at night in a deserted school hallway (I did underexpose by 2 stops though)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I spotted some new graffiti around town and convinced my husband to pose for me for a few fun shots. This was my attempt at shooting wide angle without a wide angle lens. I was pleasantly surprised.

I broke out the Lensbaby as it only seems to work in natural light and I was feeling it! Judging by Steve's stellar posing he was also inspired

Trying out a few "engagement" shots with myself and Steve, a remote and my tripod.. again liking the results

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Lindsay and Chase came over to play the other night and we turned it into a bit of an impromptu photo session.

Chase has the most beautiful lashes I have ever seen, I hate to say it but he's pretty... AND one of the most precious babies I have ever met!

Chase is an excellent combo of both his Mom and Dad, although I think he got his gorgeous eyes from Lindz

Sunday, November 08, 2009


Yesterday Tina and I took our wedding dresses out of storage and played around with a "faux" wedding shoot. We had a blast taking pictures of each other but its def. harder than I realized to try to come up with creative ideas. Fortunately the sunny blue sky was out so that made for some creative sun flare shots. These are a few of my favorites. A big thanks to Tina for letting me experiment with her flash too

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Before Saturday's photo shoot Tina and I thought it would be a good idea to get out with our cameras so we hit up Prince's Island park on the only blue sky day of the week thus far. Lets face it, Calgary in the late fall is not the prettiest city ever, it's mostly just browns. We did discover the cutest kids playground and had some fun coming up with future shoot ideas... and might have had fun goofing around too.

I felt kind of like a creeper taking this little boys picture but he was just so precious enjoying the slide

There were also a few show off squirrels that were posing for us to take pictures

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Another successful Halloween if I do say so myself. We enjoyed getting dressed up and heading out on the town. Snapped a few pictures to show off the handiwork we fashioned after the likes of children's fairy tales and movies. You have to respect Tim Burton and his claymation version of The Nightmare Before Christmas, if you haven't seen it yet go out and rent it, it's a must-see!