Tina, who you shall become quite familiar with as she is one of my constant modeling volunteers, and I took another walk at lunch to check out Stephen Ave and surrounding alleys for possibly shoot locations. In the process I took quite a few pictures of Tina taking pictures but you get the idea.

The accordion player was my favorite! I was trying to get a picture of him staying still and the crowds swirling around him. Unfortunately I did not have my tripod so I had to lean against the pole and hope for the best. The weather wasn't cooperating either and since there was a huge wind storm happening there were no crowds outside either so this is the shot I had to make do with. Apparently not only are 80's clothes back in style but so is the huge teased bleached blond hair.. I shudder

Great Shots and not just because I am in them...hahaha...Love the first one and fourth one...